Partnering in microbial solutions for companion animals well-being


with specific natural microbial products and service solutions

Digestive care

Digestive health plays a central role in ensuring the overall health and well-being of companion animals as highlighted by the famous quote from Hippocrates “all diseases begin in the gut.” The gut microbiota — present throughout the digestive tract and composed of billions of microorganisms — is crucial for the global functioning of the digestive system and a well-balanced gut microbiota is therefore key to help ensure gut health . LALPROBIOME offers a range of microbial solutions designed to help ensure good intestinal function and comfort while strengthening the animal’s natural defenses. The LALPROBIOME nutritional solutions have been shown to optimize the gut microbiota balance, strengthen gut barrier integrity, improve stool quality, and support the digestive system during different life stages and challenging periods.
Pet  Horse 

LALPROBIOME is lallemand Animal Nutrition platform of innovative microbial solutions tailored for companion animals

Lallemand develops, produces and markets high-value yeast and bacteria products including probiotics, silage inoculants and yeast derivatives. These innovative solutions positively benefit animal nutrition and well-being, forage management and the animal environment. Using sound science, proven results and knowledge from experience, Lallemand applies the right strains for the right applications to have the greatest impact for our customers.

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