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Yeast: from palatability enhancers to functional ingredients. Application and benefits for petfood

Yeast: from palatability enhancers to functional ingredients. Application and benefits for petfood

Speaker: Francesca Susca (PhD)


From a palatability enhancer to a source of nutrients and functional ingredients, yeast and yeast derivative products are versatile and natural ingredients to keep in mind when formulating food for pets. Yeast has been utilized as far back as ancient Egypt to leaven bread and ferment wine. Saccharomyces cerevisiae remains the most used microorganism in the food industry, and today it is used for the annual production of 60 million tonnes of beer and 30 million tonnes of wine! Its exceptional fermentative and nutritional properties make yeast a valuable source of ingredients for pet nutrition too. But not all yeast or yeast products are equivalent. After reviewing the multiple benefits and applications of yeast and yeast derivative products, this presentation aims to classify these products according to their composition, production process, nutritional value…

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Published May 31, 2021 | Updated Feb 21, 2024
