Immune Support

The gut microbiota plays a fundamental role in the development, maturation and activity of the immune system.

The immune system, like a shield, works by providing an exclusion barrier:

  • by identifying and eliminating pathogens
  • by identifying and tolerating non-threatening sources of antigens
  • by maintaining a memory of immunological encounters

Several infectious diseases can affect dogs and cats throughout their life, but also some life stages can be challenging as they are characterized by a lower-performing immune system (e.g. immaturity during the first weeks of life, immunosenescence with aging). To support the immune response and supporting natural defenses, LALPROBIOME offers several microbial solutions with well-recognized and specific immunomodulatory properties, through various modes of action, such as:

  • adhesion capacity
  • competition with pathogens
  • cross-talk with host cells
  • activation of immune response