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Product description
LALPROBIOME Boulardii is a natural, safe and probiotic yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii CNCM I-1079, which was selected to support digestive tract health.
What it delivers
A specific strain of probiotic yeast, S. c. boulardii CNCM I-1079.
Why it matters
LALPROBIOME Boulardii has more than 50 years of efficacy and research documentation in human medicine and animal health and nutrition.1
LALPROBIOME Boulardii has a proven mode of action that supports an animal’s proper microbiota balance, gut integrity and natural defenses.1
1 Czerucka D. et al., Review article: yeast as probiotics – Saccharomyces boulardii. Aliment Pharmacol. Ther. 26, 767–778. Doi:10.1111/j.1365-2036.2007.03442.
Formulated for success
LALPROBIOME Boulardii is best included in all life stage and specific-need based foods, treats, and supplements of dogs, cats.
LALPROBIOME Boulardii is available in a 20 kg box.
LALPRIOBIOME Boulardii is offered with Lallemand’s patented microencapsulation technology, TITAN. The TITAN coating helps protect the live yeast through harsh food, treat and supplement manufacturing processes.