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Lallemand Animal Nutrition participation at Petfood Forum Europe & Interzoo 2024

Dr Francesca Susca's speech at Petfood Forum Europe 2024

Lallemand Animal Nutrition is delighted to announce its participation in the upcoming Pet Food Forum Europe and Interzoo 2024.

Save the date for Dr. Francesca Susca’s speech at Petfood Forum Europe 2024!

Dr. Francesca Susca, our Global Pet Product Manager, will give a speech at the Pet Food Forum Europe 2024 on May 6th in Nuremberg, Germany.

Her presentation, titled “Postbiotics yeast vs. bacteria for pet food: What is the difference?”, will highlight the main difference between yeast and bacteria cells and how those differences, together with the strain specificity and the applied production process, affect the functionalities of the postbiotic solutions.

Meet us at Lallemand Animal Nutrition booth at Interzoo 2024!

As a bonus of the Pet Food Forum Europe co-located with Interzoo, let’s join our team of Pet Experts at booth 3C-522 at the Interzoo 2024 tradeshow from May 7th to 10th. You will discover LALPROBIOME, our new platform of innovative microbial solutions tailored for pets and how it can help you elevate and differentiate your brands with novel solutions that support unique and specific benefits.

Published Mar 7, 2024


LALPROBIOME is lallemand Animal Nutrition platform of innovative microbial solutions tailored for companion animals

Lallemand develops, produces and markets high-value yeast and bacteria products including probiotics, silage inoculants and yeast derivatives. These innovative solutions positively benefit animal nutrition and well-being, forage management and the animal environment. Using sound science, proven results and knowledge from experience, Lallemand applies the right strains for the right applications to have the greatest impact for our customers.

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