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Product description
LEVUCELL SC is an active live yeast for use as a probiotic or direct-fed microbial in horse feeds. Its strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae I-1077 has been selected among thousands of strains for its capacity to enhance digestive function. LEVUCELL SC improves feed digestibility and stabilizes the hindgut, which helps reduce the risk of the incidence of lactic acidosis and maintain the digestive health of young foals. Moreover, LEVUCELL SC improves growth and development.
What it delivers
Once yeast is in the digestive tract, it interacts with its microbial population (bacteria, fungi and protozoa), fiber and starch in an anaerobic environment. This contributes to enhancing digestive functions by stimulating the growth and activity of beneficial bacterial, particularly the fiber fermenting (cellulolytic) bacteria.
Why it matters
Improved feed utilization
LEVUCELL SC improves the feed value of this digestible fraction by stimulating the growth and increasing the activity of the cellulotic and hemicellulolitic microflora.
Stabilized hindgut pH, reducing the risk of acidosis
Accumulation of lactate and a parallel fall in pH in the hindgut is characteristically seen in horses fed high starch diets, especially where the level of forage is sub-optimal. This change can unbalance microflora and significantly increase the risk of colic and other digestive disorders. LEVUCELL SC supplementation increases the number of lactate utilizing bacteria and reduces total lactate in the hindgut.
Improved foal growth and development
Foals have a high nutritional requirement and have a greater need for quality and digestible protein. LEVUCELL SC supports growth through increasing the fermentation of fiber and the absorption of key minerals like calcium and phosphorus, which are needed to build strong healthy bones.
Formulated for success
- LEVUCELL SC 20: highly concentrated formulation (20 billion CFU/g) for non-pelleted or mash-feed type applications. It should be used at the recommended feeding rate.
- LEVUCELL SC 10 ME Titan: micro-encapsulated technology (10 billion CFU/g) for pelleted feed.
- LEVUCELL SC MICROBEAD specifically designed to resist aggressive environments and to have optimized particle size for minerals. It should be used at the recommended feeding rate.
Both formulations are also available in ready-to-use blends for feed premix or supplementation.
LEVUCELL SC is delivered in 20-kg boxes or in a 500-kg bag in the MICROBEAD form.