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Product description
EQUIFRESH PRO is a specific, absorbent bedding conditioner with bacteria and enzymes for horses, with a eucalyptus scent. It is easy to apply, helps maintain good microbial balance within bedding, helps to reduce ammonia emissions as well as helping to improve bedding maintenance and management.
What it delivers
EQUIFRESH PRO contains bacteria and enzymes that encourage the development of beneficial microorganisms within the bedding and stables of horses. The absorbency of EQUIFRESH PRO can aid in keeping bedding drier for longer and in turn helps to eliminate potential adverse smells, such as ammonia.
Why it matters
Some horses spend a considerable amount of time in their stable and therefore on their bedding. The characteristics of a good bedding material is:
– High absorbency: low humidity
– Hygienic: microbiologically safe
– Quality: minimal dust and maintains a pleasant stable environment, such as low ammonia emissions
– Practical: easy to maintain, comfortable and insulating
Supplementing your bedding with EQUIFRESH PRO helps reduce ammonia production and provide a better respiratory environment within the stable favouring a better working and living environment for both horses and humans. The eucalyptus scent also contributes to a more fresh and pleasant stable experience.
EQUIFRESH PRO helps preserve the absorbency of the bedding, providing a more comfortable and beneficial environment for hooves.
Customers report reduced cleaning time within stables using EQUIFRESH PRO.
Formulated for success
Use 1-2kg of EQUIFRESH PRO per week. When mucking out apply half beneath the bedding on a clean floor and half on top. If mucking out weekly, re-apply on top of the bedding every 2-3 days.
EQUIFRESH PRO is delivered in 15kg buckets.